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  • A porcupine acupuncturist loses his needles in his patient's quills.
  • Dogs go to the self-help section of the library.
  • George Hamilton goes to the Betty Ford Center, but can't kick the tanning lotion.
  • Rorschach gets run over and people guess what his corpse looks like.
  • A woman's online lover accidentally wrote someone else's username.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • A straw tries to stop his friend from getting in a barfight with a crazy straw.
  • A skunk buys disgusting smells to use as aromatherapy.
  • The big bad wolf realizes he was raised by wolves.
  • Mother Nature complains that one of her elves made a snowflake identical to one from the past.
  • Dr. Jekyll wakes up in the morning wondering what Mr. Hyde pierced or tattooed on his body the night before.
  • Pavlov's dog keeps drooling as he gets older.