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Browse our Other Health Topics Cartoons

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  • A snowman buys Preparation I to get rid of icicles on his butt.
  • A man sneezes so hard his beard transfers to his date's face.
  • Humpty Dumpty demands a specialist when he falls off the wall, but doesn't get one.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • A camera tells his wife to stop complaining about her hot flashes.
  • Charlie Brown's surgeon preps him with a zig-zag line around his torso.
  • Dilbert goes to the doctor because his tie keeps poking him in the eye when he ties his shoe.
  • A brain surgeon finds a part of his patient's brain that makes him punch the nurse.
  • Doctors try to inject mojo into Michael Bolton, but his body can't handle it.
  • Medusa sneezes and all her snakes stand on end.
  • A man tells his wife he had his secretary on his laptop most of the day and she pours soup all over him.
  • Dr. Seuss is supposed to outgrow gibberish talk as a child.