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Browse our Other Health Topics Cartoons

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  • A dog notices that rain brings up worms and lies in it to bring up his worms.
  • Emeril Lagasse has a brief career as a surgeon.
  • Mr. Bubble has a mysterious condition that is fully blown.
  • A caveman invents the wheel and, in the process, scares himself so much he poops.
  • A Pokemon player is excited to have caught lots of viruses.
  • A goat has a clamp in his stomach after surgery, but there's no way to know from the X-ray whether he ate it or the surgeon left it there.
  • Mr. Potatohead has no face at his funeral because he was an organ donor.
  • Prozac turns the Mad Hatter into the Well-Adjusted Hatter.
  • Mr. Bubble becomes the host for Glinda the Good Witch.
  • A turkey surgeon discovers that his patients are all in a plastic baggie.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • A flower gets a fertility treatment using a fake bee.