Maintain your well-being with FUNNY other health topics cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Other Health Topics Cartoons

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  • Superman has muscle spasms and destroyed a city street.
  • Doughboy gets examined by doctor and realizes he's getting a prostate exam.
  • Doctor tells Humpty Dumpty he knows what is causing his headaches, which is a beak is coming through his head.
  • Young and old play wii soccer mob.
  • Box of Saliva Green Teeth, parody of Salada Green Tea.
  • Porcupine with crooked spines looks to chiropractor for spinal adjustment.
  • Chicken has trouble sleeping due to restless egg syndrome.
  • Doctor diagnoses patient's outbreak of children to be that an old woman had lived in his shoe.
  • Fish says "Gesundheit" to another fish with a hook and worm coming out of the fish's nostril.
  • Puppet in hospital is congratulated by Muppet doctor for giving birth to boy hand.
  • Jack falls down the hill and becomes a patient on the TV show "House MD."
  • Injured softball player in dugout raves about beer cooler full of ice for his softball injury.