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Browse our Other Health Topics Cartoons

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  • William Tell's son gets bull's eye mark from Lyme's Disease as father shoots at apple.
  • A whole class of envelopes frustrate a yoga instructor as they are all marked "do not bend."
  • Doctor prescribes analogy medicine for patient with an allergy who uses too many analogies.
  • Nurses excited to take patient to beach for his vitamin D treatment.
  • Surgeon loses cell phone and asks nurse to call it as he listens to patients in the recovery room.
  • Firefighters are too relaxed by smells when responding to fire at aromatherapy candle store.
  • Doctor tells patient HMO only covers use of x-ray glasses not real x-ray.
  • Book patient is uneasy about book surgeon licking his fingers before opening him.
  • Defendant uses aromatherapy to try to get a lighter sentence.
  • While chastising a driver, surgeon uses cell phone during brain surgery.
  • Dog donates paw to owner for transplant.
  • Seedless Watermelon gets seed injection treatment for infertility.