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  • Blinking Christmas lights uneasy about un-blinking electric Christmas candle.
  • Fish with hook in mouth brags about the size of the fisherman he escaped.
  • Turkey had plastic surgery to get peacock tail feathers.
  • Peacock apologizes to Ricky whose large eyes and tail markings show he was startled.
  • Woman makes a mess using toothbrush/eyeliner applicator gadget.
  • Witch selecting from too many eye of newt options at grocery store.
  • One peacock sees another peacock's feathers have noses on them instead of eyes.
  • Mother of two alien boys worries they will poke someone's eye in with a stick.
  • While cloud watching, a woman describes an elaborate scene in details and and her friend sees the same thing in the clouds.
  • Farmer cow has evolved with doe eyes, whiskers, and a button nose, and says cows are not for eating.
  • Optometrist inserts contact lens case caps into his eyes instead of contact lenses.
  • Carpenter shopping for nails sees a pirate in the hooks and eyes section of hardware store.