Browse our Medicine & Drugs Cartoons

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  • A peacock can't get his tail to fan out and might take pills to fix it.
  • One of Mickey's ears descends before the other.
  • C3P0 can't read his doctor's note.
  • The stone with the sword in it wishes it could see a specialist.
  • The grim reaper nearly kills the wrong person because he's distracted by his phone.
  • The Betty Rubble Center helps cartoons rehabilitate.
  • Marge Simpson's ultrasound shows Lisa with a spiky head.
  • Picasso's X-rays show a Cubist style skull.
  • A shark switches to attacking people in lakes because his salt intake was too high.
  • A man's opthamologist tells him he has an eye for talent when his eye scan is full of famous cartoon characters.
  • A man gets a green fungus disease, but it's on St. Patrick's Day.
  • Mr. Potatohead needs to eat more starch.