Browse our Medicine & Drugs Cartoons

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  • A dog collar claims to make your small dog look tougher.
  • Paper has to go to the doctor after trying to beat a rock at rock, paper, scissors.
  • Veterinarian has giant cone for wounded giraffe.
  • A couple kisses and the man sees fireworks, so he gets eye surgery to make them go away.
  • A 50-year-old wizard's most difficult problem is peeing.
  • A kid thinks he has mice because the mousetraps he put around his Halloween candy went off, but his parents both have bandages on their fingers.
  • A mummy texts while having a conversation.
  • An owl rotates its head around so it can look up while getting a back massage.
  • A cat gets in the way of a surgeon.
  • A zombie goes to the doctor and has no blood pressure.