Browse our Medicine & Drugs Cartoons

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  • Muscled turkeys need to submit to random drug testing.
  • Tablet is anxious about doctor inserting charger into rear end.
  • Cat chooses from various flavors of catnip.
  • Doctor recommends anteater avoid ants with artificial growth hormones.
  • Characters go to Betty Rubble Center for mental health and addiction issues.
  • Doctor diagnoses tree as having Keebler elves living in him.
  • It is not rubber glove's lucky day when he is chosen by the proctologist.
  • Doctor tells Bart Simpson results of paternity test show Sesame Street's Bert is his father.
  • Doctor has to break news to mom that her son was in a accident and is wearing dirty underwear.
  • Instead of counting backwards, anesthesiologists have patients read itunes terms and conditions.
  • Cat selfishly sleeps on head of feverish cat.
  • Super Mario fertility drug brothers increase the number of Super Marios.