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Browse our Aging Cartoons

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  • Dagwood ages from sandwiches to medications.
  • Famous set design includes Archie Bunker's chair, the Simpsons' couch, Dick Van Dyke's ottoman, and William Shatner's toupee.
  • Lisa Simpson's Throwback Thursday photo shows an earlier version of herself.
  • Mr. Potatohead must hold eyeballs closer to tv to see because he refuses to get glasses.
  • Emojis get botox treatments to remove all personality from their faces.
  • Snowman breaks up with snowwoman because their May-December relationship would cause them to melt.
  • Mrs. Potatohead is surprised to find Mr. Potatohead drinking when he said he was visiting his grandfather.
  • Woman regifts acid-washed jeans from the 80s that have been regifted many times over the decades.
  • Medusa laughs at big 80s snake hair.
  • The practical dog owner choose prechewed shoes over new shoes.
  • Dracula tells son that city will someday still be his.
  • Dracula's wife is jealous of tattoo of old girlfriend's name on his chest.