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  • Class mate change denier thinks reunions older high school graduates look exactly the same.
  • Forgetful man in supermarket slowly remembers where he knows familiar lady from.
  • Lady allows adopted small puppy to sleep on bed but it grew bigger squishing crowded owner.
  • Lady asks man if made New Year’s resolutions but he forgot & remembers be less forgetful reminder note in pocket.
  • Gross caviar dish warns party guest it’s high quality but has sat out for four hours.
  • Older fairytale Hansel and Gretel kids run to sneaky witch’s avocado toast home.
  • Sneaky ninja sloth suddenly shaved longhaired cat’s fluffy fur short with groomer clippers.
  • Furry hair caterpillar waxes body hairless in heatwave temps to stay cooler.
  • Shirtless guys on beach say no nipples & bellybutton man’s body hair waxing was thorough.
  • Optimistic shriveled hospital balloon survives months longer than doctors anticipated.