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Browse our Aging Cartoons

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  • Head lice are worried about receding hair.
  • The Green Giant puts compost on his head to get his hair to grow again.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy is on an IV of BHT.
  • Pavlov's dog keeps drooling as he gets older.
  • Old MacDonald sells his farm animals to a meat wholesaler so he can get some rest in his retirement.
  • A female deciduous tree says her pine tree husband doesn't understand what it's like when her leaves change in autumn.
  • Spanky from the Little Rascals has grown up and now does BDSM phone sex.
  • Bugs Bunny sleeps in his room with his buck teeth in a cup of denture cleaner next to him.
  • The food and drug administration writes up a factory for amputating bugs' limbs and putting them in food.
  • A Rogaine salesman shows Charlie Brown what he would look like if he wasn't bald.
  • Blondie secretly bleaches her hair blonde.
  • A louse on Burt Reynolds' head asks another louse if he bought a new rug.