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Browse our Aging Cartoons

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  • This man is ridden with guilt for everything he does.
  • Scarecrow uses a rake over.
  • Jack Frost looses his teeth when he bites you when he's old.
  • Six geese get laid off and loose everything.
  • An old man is held together by all the paste he ate as a kid in school.
  • Botox is introduced for soda cans.
  • The Scarecrow uses Rograin on his head to re-grow some straw.
  • The classis story of Jack and the Beanstalk it updated to making a Starbucks with the beans.
  • Toothpaste tubes remember when they looked good in the morning.
  • Frodo isn't give a ring, but a tax loophole that everyone is after.
  • A person retiring from the joke supply store gets a 21 whoopee cushion salute.
  • A man's hair weave fools his date as much as Raggedy Ann's does.