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  • Salmon swimming upstream thinks fishing grizzly bears are waving paws.
  • Short flower basketball player asks who challenged tall long-stem roses team.
  • Canine dentist tells dog he can’t work on teeth with ball in mouth & runs off stealing it.
  • Suspicious fish on laptop ebait shopping website thinks cheap worm on hook has a catch.
  • Feline physician checks frisky patient’s play reflex with kitty toy lure.
  • Flattered frozen lake takes man’s thin ice danger sign as a compliment.
  • In dream messy baby asleep in highchair is champion long distance food throw winner.
  • Smartphone audience cheers flip cellphone gymnast’s perfect landing.
  • Oriole songbird Oreo cookie spoof is bird flavored for cats.
  • Shed needle behind Christmas tree at party suggests not shaking butt disco dancing.
  • Bugs Bunny asks Warner Bros characters at empty table who put Wile E. in charge of getting bird.
  • Frightened birds say scary bird house with kitty hidden inside is haunted.