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  • Jedi Yoda wears sexual adult lingerie & heals in hot yoga fitness center exercise class misunderstanding.
  • Underwater sharks restaurant diner selects person swimming above as dinner order from shark waiter.
  • Man at walk traffic signal advertising shoe brand Ace Footwear asks when excessive consumer marketing everywhere happened.
  • Dog couple wife entices excited spouse in sexual pant leg & shoe humping clothing.
  • Bakery customer covered in seed topping crumbs changes everything bagels to everywhere.
  • Kangaroo husband not comfortable wife with marsupial pouch Air BnB guest started hosting travelers vacation rooms online.
  • Impatient lit fuse Independence Day firecracker at end of cafe customer line asks to go ahead in rush to order quickly.
  • Cat marijuana dispensary customer buys kitty named feline catnip herb kind buds selection.
  • Service dog in clothes store says awful shirt is tacky helping fashion taste impaired owner pick stylish apparel choices.
  • Rebellious insect bumble bee balances, silkworm wears rayon shirt, old age June mayfly lives & silverfish athlete wins first place Olympics gold.
  • Eight eyes spider sees oct prefix arachnid eye doctor shop displays 8 lens eyeglass frames.
  • Dead 1/2 star killed by customers’ negative reviews scares 4 online shopping product review stars.