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  • The cartoon lists TV spinoffs that never caught on.
  • A man is surprised that a store has a lifetime guarantee, but his life is about to end.
  • So many women reject a man that he starts selling shirts that say "I Rejected Derek."
  • Saturn goes broke and pawns its rings.
  • A cartoon auction sells rare items.
  • A cat knocks bacon grease onto the rug just as its owner notices an advertisement for a rug sale.
  • A lobster thinks a couple is adopting her and her friend, but really they're about to get eaten.
  • Godzilla eats a musical instrument store, but his body rejects the organ.
  • Shoes that are alligators are a bad idea.
  • A cat gets locked in a curtain shop over the weekend and tears up all the curtains.
  • A cat adds meat and string to a woman's shopping list.
  • A fast food server asks a frog if he wants flies with his meal.