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  • A skunk buys disgusting smells to use as aromatherapy.
  • A fish funeral director sells a fish widow toliet coffins.
  • A man sets up an overpriced tire store near a porcupine crossing.
  • A chicken's fortune teller says she has a future in gold boullion -- soup boullion.
  • People give directions based on what's important to them.
  • Consumers disregard packaging warnings.
  • A manager tells an employee to put moldy old bread in the gift aisle as "Chia Loaves."
  • A cat pretending to be its owner tries to exchange a dog for a gerbil at a pet store returns counter.
  • The tin man buys Draino drain cleaner to use as a laxative.
  • The Green Giant is embarrassed that he has to buy medication to control his crab grass.
  • A young cat buys a bunch of items from the drug store so he can get catnip without being carded.
  • A mother lizard monster tells her son he shouldn't have a pop from a Mom and Pop store right before dinner.