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  • A customer calls himself an idiot and the cashier agrees with him because the store's policy is that the customer is always right.
  • A woman is hospitalized after a man unbalances and drops chemicals on her.
  • A man falls in front of Hip Chex in the cereal aisle.
  • A man who works for a 24-hour store goes to therapy because he needs closure.
  • A bee watches a commercial for the Jabmaster 2000.
  • Godzilla jewelry is made of small women named Ruby, Amber, and Pearl.
  • Mice get into a family's Y2K provisions because a cat wants to stock up on food too.
  • A dog buys a bed that spins around for him.
  • A supermarket sells an eye of newt and wing of bat creature for busy witches.
  • A man notices a bookstore's huge rear section because he sees the stockwoman's large butt.
  • Consumers disregard packaging warnings.
  • A man spends too much time shopping online and goes to the mall in his underwear.