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  • A woman drops a paint bottle that has a temper.
  • Peanuts pack guns when they come out of the box.
  • The pre-game festivities to the running of the bulls.
  • Starbucks popped up over night and spread quickly like bacteria.
  • All of the flowers are genetically engineered to have an odd number of petals.
  • Bull is when a distortion in the space-time continuum breaks things in a china shop.
  • A snake is shopping for a conservative dress for his wife.
  • Christmas figures stalk a woman to get her to buy things.
  • Santa tabulates his Christmas gift list with machines from the election in Florida.
  • A turkey likes a hat, but wants to buy it in a different color because she's uncomfortable dressed in cranberry.
  • People disobey the rules of being a consumer.
  • A horse looks at fertilizer in a store.