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  • A feather boa eats the woman looking at it just like a snake.
  • Liberty Bell souvenirs aren't cracked, and will be returned.
  • A helicopter dispatches ice cream trucks around town.
  • The newest in face recognition technology for everyone else.
  • Botox is introduced for soda cans.
  • A woman doesn't want to get go of her cell phone at the repair shop.
  • Trees enjoy looking at golfers' red faces.
  • The essentials for parents at a softball game is booze.
  • The Toothfairy has an ethical problem when wanting to sell a celebrity's baby's teeth.
  • The old lady who lived in a shoe doesn't worry about IRS audits because she keeps her receipts in a shoe box.
  • A man has a lot of Megs on his computer.
  • Replacement chocolate bunny ears are sold to guilty, sweet-toothed parents.