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Browse our Shopping Cartoons

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  • A store sells athletic shoes, and shoes for your actual life.
  • A cat buys catnip potpourri.
  • A dog is pulled in two different directions outside Bed & Bath.
  • A woman wants to buy an unscented fragrance.
  • A crocodile has to bring empty turtle shells back to the store.
  • A dentist has a sign that says "NEDK'" asking if there's any decay.
  • A cartoonist runs out of ink and can't finish the cartoon.
  • Custom lamps are made by a woman and her cat.
  • A woman wants to exchange her anniversary card for a more thoughtful one.
  • A new medication keeps you from blushing.
  • This man is ridden with guilt for everything he does.
  • Kangaroos have hot pockets as their comfort food.