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  • A man changes the sign for his 24 hour mart for daylight savings.
  • The Kids R Us fingers falls into a Cake Frosting truck.
  • A car gets a new set of tires, but in the wrong size.
  • Parents who buy their kids the new fashions have no money in their pockets.
  • A man buys a gift for his wife online.
  • Santa's elves have their growth stunted by second hand pipe smoke.
  • A vampire thinks that the plasma unit is the salesperson.
  • Gold's Gym is located right next to Jim's Gold.
  • The Hulk's distant relation is the Sulk.
  • The author updates nursery rhymes for the modern era.
  • Shirt sellers can't figure out how to sell shirts to the guys who get arrested on COPS.
  • A man drops his kid off at Build a Bear while he goes to Build a Beer.