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  • Man sees full moon & rips clothes pretending to be a werewolf but wife says should have said he didn’t like shirt.
  • Lady at toilet stall complains jumpsuits are a challenge & annoyed mummy thinks cry me a river.
  • Dracula at liquor store says wine customer’s birthdate was a good year.
  • Supermarket produce bins sell habanero, poblano, cayenne & invisible ghost pepper varieties.
  • Gruesome undead monster wears mindfulness mediation slogan shirt chasing man in cemetery.
  • Cat on massage table squishes body flat to avoid confused masseuse’s hands but says it’s fun.
  • Boyfriend wears garish clashing clothes because cat napping in basket prevented washing laundry.
  • Construction workers complete Ikea store build but have unused leftover parts afterwards.
  • Wife at party annoyed husband wearing tiny clothing stubbornly refuses to admit he grabbed wrong suitcase at airport.
  • Annoyed sun recognizes lady hidden under sun hat, unsatisfied customer returns it to store.
  • Kangaroo drink vendor hops shaking pouches fizzy soda cans spraying in koala faces.
  • Dog walking on leash says it loves world of funny looking dogs mirror shop.