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  • A baby notices that by hitting items in store with hammer he gets attention just like a judge in a court.
  • Now that music crosses over into different genre, record store employee uses a genre detector.
  • Sylvester the cat buys tiny stuffing bag for Tweety.
  • Boy plays sudoku puzzle on a man's checkered shirt while waiting in line at the store.
  • A new house is really cheap because it is built right next to a driving range.
  • A streak free glass cleaner removes label and goes streaking.
  • A new shop specializes in getting the drawstring back through the hole in your sweatpants.
  • Paul McCarthy from the Beatles protests in support for animal rights.
  • A fruit yells at other fruits to not look at its weight on the scale.
  • A head banger music fan bangs his head when he can't decide what head banging rock group to see.
  • Stick-on replacement eyebrows being sold next to barbecue charcoal lighter fluid.
  • Physiatrists' patient becomes violent if she has to pay.