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  • New no-chafe boxers come with built in aloe lotion.
  • A bagel shop makes everything bagels from the trash on the floor of the kitchen.
  • A woman accidentally buys non-cobra-free cereal.
  • Power Bar crashes customer into the walls as it shoots out of vending machine.
  • A man uses a balloon vending machine, but can't get the balloon out because it floated to the top.
  • The judge has to give instructions to put together a do it yourself jury.
  • A woman wants her classified ad in bold with her phone number in capital letters.
  • A man wears a ribbon to support checkout clerks endangered by self check out stations.
  • Company decides to switch from nickel and diming to quarter and dollaring.
  • Bed Bath and Beyond has sheets, towels, shower curtains, and a vast void full of eyes.
  • Lucy outbids Charlie Brown on a football for sale on eBay.
  • Man goes Christmas shopping with grocery list instead of Christmas List by mistake..