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  • Pet cat and owner are struggling with the marketing failure of cat food in pill form.
  • Getting your driver's license picture on memorabilia is a marketing failure for the DMV.
  • The virtual migraine computer program proves to be a marketing failure.
  • Gift shop displays a marketing failure, fur globes, a pet lover's version of the snow globe.
  • The new coffee and doughnut in one is a marketing failure due to customers burning their mouths.
  • Man in suit at store mirror shopping is told by saleswoman his suit accentuates his wallet.
  • Employee does a bad job stacking Tetris game on computer game shelf.
  • The Whatever, She's Just Going To Return It Store for men shopping for gifts women will return.
  • Carpenter shopping for nails sees a pirate in the hooks and eyes section of hardware store.
  • Man claims to be pamphlet smart rather than book smart to woman at party.
  • Husband uses software to show how salesman will look if he doesn't' stop flirting with wife.
  • Mrs. Claus goes through the groceries to find Santa Claus did not check her grocery list twice.