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  • Meat, cheese & veggie platter hors d'oeuvre foods in executive business suits vote to take a dip.
  • Grandpa holding cute baby asks mother in diver wetsuit & snorkeling mask if Ollie drools much.
  • Excited box shopper cats line up for new Container Store grand opening.
  • Veterinarian asks painfully scratched man how cat did getting in pet carrier.
  • Sign advertising massage therapist’s literal bodies touching career scares customers away.
  • Uncomfortable man has skin painfully waxed for customers only restroom policy.
  • Hairy hiker covered in shed cats pet hair mistaken for Sasquatch by news reporters.
  • Auto salesman asks melted Frosty the Snowman puddle on test drive if he likes car’s heated seated feature.
  • Santa Claus in sleigh thinks incompetent elf unevenly filling heavy, light & empty toy bags was grocery employee before.
  • Shaving company complains bearded Santa Claus hired to promote razors but contract didn’t say shave face.
  • Dad tells undressed son hanging clothing Christmas stockings by fire it’s not how holiday presents work.
  • Naughty kitty on laptop hacks owner’s pets names website password to order mice, catnip, empty boxes & tuna fish.