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  • Bottle is not interested in long term relationship and only dates returnable bottles.
  • The North Face store is connected to its opposite store The South Rump.
  • Carpenter discovers design flaw in the bobblehead hammer as it injures him.
  • Distracted florist reaches for baby's breath but puts grampa's gas in bouquet by mistake.
  • Man at kissing booth is surprised to find gum in his mouth as part of rewards program.
  • Owners lap sizes match the size of their laptops.
  • Salesman sells washing machine made for people's clothes that need to be washed separately
  • A woman asks a man buying reusable tote bags if he wants them bagged in paper or plastic.
  • Firefighters are too relaxed by smells when responding to fire at aromatherapy candle store.
  • Man with large belly eyes new slant-top pants.
  • Virtual You software merely turns off computer to show your own reflection.
  • Fat-free ice cream maker sponsors verdict with their guilt slogan.