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  • Baseball cap store owner changes awning position to match style of cap wearing.
  • Cats rate online purchases with purr and hiss comments.
  • Employees of Ace Sofa Company get fort made of cushions as their cubicles.
  • Helen tries to annoy mother-in-law by buying her only sealed pistachios.
  • Full service ATM disperses lollipop to child while mother does banking.
  • Spouses of wind instruments buy lots of air fresheners.
  • Man getting tattoo worries when he reads misspellings in the storefront sign.
  • A man saws the legs of furniture to make it fit inside the leaning Tower of Pisa.
  • Food vendor that sells binding foods has restroom for customers only.
  • Steven Wright's low-key personality is poor match for endorsing energy pills.
  • Car dealership offers no payments until 2013 and gets many Mayan customers.
  • Santa speaks to kids remotely on a screen to prevent getting the flu.