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  • Realtor tries to sell run down gingerbread house ito bake-it-yourselfer.
  • Fast food area for picking up food and an area for regretting it.
  • Turkeys hate walking through the basting section of the department store.
  • Microwave advertises using Dairy Dream Sour Cream when it cooks potatoes.
  • Repair man does some shelf improvement next to self improvement.
  • The future of Halloween candy is to be very small fun size.
  • Four magnetic strips on credit cards make customers confident they are swiping in right direction.
  • To encourage usage of website, customer service offers embarrassing phone option.
  • Mrs. Potato Head brings potato salad made out of her forgetful husband.
  • Pet fish takes it personally when owner says kitchen stinks like fish.
  • One dog year equals seven years so store can minimize bad luck from broken mirrors.
  • Opticians worry customers who need glasses are not able to see the store.