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  • Porcupine gets passive-aggressive gift of coupon good for a hug.
  • There's a 10 day waiting period for turkeys to buy deli slicers.
  • Caveman thinks his wife's hoard-like gathering is out of control.
  • Dog watches cat buy nine boxes of Life cereal for his 9 lives.
  • Mad scientist wonders if there is a better way to rack their brains.
  • Researcher needs expedited shipment of tranquilizer darts as tiger approaches now.
  • Cat offers curtain protection plan to protect curtains from cat claw damage.
  • Ivan looks through packing material not realizing it is the packing material he ordered.
  • Pirate goes to eyeball dispenser to get a replacement eyeball.
  • Toddle plays with laptop and ends up ordering tons of merchandise.
  • Research mouse has cheese delivered rather than go through maze to get it.
  • Paranoid consumer worries that people on tv know what he thinks based on car commercial.