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  • An insecure man worries about someone seeing him buy a confidence-improving book.
  • With misspelling of complaint, Conplaints Desk gets complaints.
  • Sweatera tries to fend off holes inflicted by Mothra in brief battle.
  • Sharks can buy seal or imitation seal.
  • Banker wants to discuss financial balance, not man's ability to balance.
  • Cop confronts stork about reports that he has been hoarding babies.
  • Holes in wiffle bowls make them ineffective.
  • To get powdered grape drink mix, you just have to take out the water.
  • Devil wears knock-off brands because he can't afford Prada.
  • Store requires waiver for man's injuries if giving vacuum to wife for Mother's Day.
  • Germ husband is killed by anti-bacterial soap wife bought.
  • Husband gives store credit as gift, but wife wanted to return gift herself.