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  • Santa with laptop computer ordered sexy Santa suit with skirt, fishnet stockings and high heel boots from website by mistake.
  • Cat cashier asks if cat wants paper bag but it’s already inside it.
  • Department store Santa tells girl on cellphone she needs to wait in line like everyone else.
  • Plain bagel is frustrated that everything bagel already has gift bought for it.
  • Woman shopping for groceries looks at a jar of seasonal pumpkin spice flavored pumpkin spice seasoning.
  • Customers are arrested and jailed for minor consumer crimes.
  • Cats think the prices on a website are the amount of time it takes to destroy cat toys.
  • Warehouse’s shipping charges are mostly for handling by a large crowd of employees tossing packages around.
  • Fish in aquarium don’t like that a cat is looking at a scuba gear e-commerce website.
  • Man wearing blue at pub on St. Patrick’s Day hits on yellow dress woman, says they should mix to make green.
  • French fries change their appearance with flat or curling irons.
  • E-commerce website for people with speech impediments.