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  • Man by empty shelves in bookstore mystery section asks salesperson asks what happened to the books.
  • Mom taking smartphone baby photo is distracted by texts and social media until son grows up into bearded man.
  • Squashed slice of bread tells other slices how it was injured by supermarket grocery bagboy with quart of milk.
  • Shopper birds pushing grocery carts catch worms at Whole Foods parody supermarket.
  • Camel’s date is not impressed when he says her hump is fat, not water.
  • Salesperson at auto dealership isn’t sure about new employee, a terrified cat too scared of cars to sell to customer.
  • Snakes can’t pay beer rounds bill at bar because they don’t have pockets so frustrated Saint Patrick drives them out of Ireland.
  • Crowd of sleepy customers swarms towards frightened coffee shop barista on Daylight Savings Day.
  • Dog fetches tennis ball to woman in store’s returns window.
  • Cat cashier calls for price of mouse traps while embarrassed cat hides face.
  • Woman checks smartphone app to see how much man spent on her Christmas gifts.
  • Department store Santa with candy stuck to beard tells elf to give kids lollypops after they sit on his lap.