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Browse our Shopping Cartoons

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  • Baby Godzilla gives monster mom smashed florist building for Mother’s Day
  • Scared pig on laptop sees customers who bought straw house also buy nothing online ever again.
  • Panicked shoppers running in 5K marathon rush to run errands to stores, bank, dry clean and vet.
  • Angry manager shows Godzilla destroying store no eating rule sign.
  • Russian matryoshka doll with laptop buying dress on website chooses size all of them.
  • Leprechaun shops at Pot ‘o Gold dispensary at end of rainbow.
  • Shopper in non-fiction sees Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster eating books on nom nom bookstore shelves.
  • Mob of frenzied shoppers fight over coffee in supermarket before daylight savings.
  • Silhouetted Victoria is ashamed she secretly likes rock band Nickleback.
  • Self-centered cats shop in greeting cards store for Valentine’s for themselves.
  • Man tells cashier he lost his phone and she says to leave his number to call him if they find it but later he realizes it’s impossible.
  • Stupid man on laptop enters credit card number on online I.Q. score scam website.