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Browse our Shopping Cartoons

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  • Grocery shopping dog buys canned pet food marketed with more disgusting horrible taste for dogs.
  • Customer shops heavy, heavier & heaviest cat & dog sleeping pet weighted blanket selection.
  • Vampire on laptop with melted face gives Instacart online groceries garlic potato chips substitution 1 star review.
  • Chipmunk at dinner tells embarrassed chipmunk store food in face cheeks not rear end.
  • Santa Claus buying toys online on laptop adds millions of Christmas gifts to sack for kids worldwide.
  • Rudolph the red nosed reindeer on laptop shops online for clear face masks PPE for pandemic Christmas.
  • Shopper sees bags honestly labeled squirrel seed in store, not bird seed.
  • Full belly no vacancy sign for turkey leg and broccoli travelers but has room for pie.
  • Thanksgiving turkey, stuffing turnip and mashed potato flavor Oreo cookies disgusts grocery shopper.
  • Bactrian camel tells single-humped Arabian camel its second hump is coffee.
  • Grocery shopper tells woman buying cart of Halloween candies trick-or-treat cancelled in her area and she answers mine too.
  • Frankenstein on computer website sees country and hardware store DNA ethnicity results.