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  • Sneaky ninja sloth stole clothing and axe from naked wood chopping man in underwear to protect tree.
  • Bakery customer asks server for other baked goods but cat baker only kneads biscuit dough with paws.
  • Indecisive man on laptop shopping website second guesses order with Angel of Indecision’s overwhelming suggestions at shoulder.
  • Wrinkled clothing historical period villagers wear crinkled fabric garments before irons invented.
  • Horn helmet vikings push shopping carts at Raider Joe parody grocery store attacked by plundering Norse looters.
  • Forgetful man lost keys, is confused in room, & forgot phone & credit card to reach fitness tracker app walking goals retracing steps.
  • President protecting Secret Service agents wear suits, but Victoria’s Secret Service officers dress in sexy lingerie brand underwear.
  • Professional CPA taxes dog in suit has chew & retrieve toy office desk trays to organize dogs financial accounting files.
  • Colorful decorated Easter eggs crowd shocked by naked blank egg streaking outdoors public nudity surprise.
  • Uncomfortable optician employee feels watched by oppressive eyeglasses shop display frames crowd.
  • Long itchy nose Pinocchio on cellphone shopping website orders back scratcher to reach out of reach rash.
  • Longer buttons style snowman says he preferred untucking shirts to short button snow man.