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Browse our Other Leisure & Hobbies Cartoons

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  • One cat thinks the other cat is a bathroom hog because he is sitting in the sand box building a sand castle.
  • Medusa is inside of a game called "Whack-A-Snake" because she fell on hard times and needed another job.
  • Family see a bear, man smiles and looks friendly so bear will go after others, but bear thinks he is bearing his teeth and decides to eat him.
  • Bat and baseball playing blackjack, and ball doesn't want to play anymore because he has a problem with "hit me" part.
  • Patient wants doctor's assurance before his physical that doctor's medical journals are more up-to-date than waiting room magazines.
  • Godzilla destroys library looking for a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
  • Roller coaster with dining sections goes down large hill, several people get plates of food in their faces.
  • Kids and cat play Mousetrap game, cat begs for one more game because he just got lucky winning, says they will play for less money.
  • Laundry inside washer talk about how fun wash cycle was, especially spin cycle, shirt upset because he missed out since he was inside out.
  • A student in a philosophy class accidentally brings Play-Dough instead of Plato.
  • The mystery of Stonehenge is solved as a hand reaches from sky and claims checkmate.