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  • Hacker Christmas elf on laptop disables security cameras, alarms and distracts guard dog with bone for Santa delivering toys.
  • Scared pop corn kernel movie cinema audience watches girl stringing popcorn garland Christmas decorations torture on screen.
  • Pet feline criminal’s fly chase disorderly conduct, concealed claw weapons scratch, leaving pee accident scene & first degree shed fur murder cats crimes.
  • Thanksgiving leftovers and next course dessert pies bands perform onstage for cheering concert fans.
  • Scared stomaches audience watch tortured full belly Thanksgiving food overeating horror film.
  • Canines cinema audience enjoys film of King Midas’s paw transforming dog into gross smelly garbage.
  • Bad music performance causes violent angry tomatoes’ gory smashed food fight chaos.
  • Artist Edvard Munch’s famous The Scream painted holding loose ear pods in ears they so won’t fall out.
  • Moaning undead M & M monster candies reanimate in scary zombie product wrapper parody.
  • Trick or treater in cellphone costume tells scared man his favorite celebrity is trending on social media.
  • Judge wearing grim reaper death Halloween party costume in court terrifies defendant on trial.
  • Sneaky ninja sloth suddenly empties trick or treat candy bowl without being seen.