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  • Man thinks about date, he complimented service, asked for another date, showed her food on his dental floss, wonders why she got sick and left.
  • Man in a cappella band remembers how he always forgot instruments when he was in bands, wonders what he could forget now, realizes it's his mouth.
  • The Invisible Man at Comedy Night makes a joke, saying "That was no laundry, that was my wife," implying invisible wife got washed.
  • Grapes line up outside of movie theater to watch "The Wrath of Grapes," and "Planet of the Grapes."
  • Pillsbury Doughboy negotiating contract, wants clause added about actors with long, pointy fingernails, has bandages on belly from being poked.
  • The scarier version of Star Wars is when Darth Vader reveals he's Luke's Mother.
  • The elves show Santa an advanced surveillance operation to keep track of who's naughty.