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  • A snake eats 4 of the dalmations in 101 Dalmations.
  • A TV sitcom director asked for canned laughter but has canned ham thrown at him.
  • A cat pretending to be its owner tries to exchange a dog for a gerbil at a pet store returns counter.
  • The characters from the Wizard of Oz drawing straws from the Scarecrow's body to resolve an argument.
  • A container of Milk Duds has explosives that aren't "duds."
  • A kitten goes trick or treating dressed as a vacuum.
  • A police officer thinks he will win best costume at the department Halloween party, but the other cops are also dressed as donuts.
  • The tin man buys Draino drain cleaner to use as a laxative.
  • A news anchor reports that Pinocchio's nose is smaller and his skin is lighter because he's had plastic surgery.
  • Spanky from the Little Rascals has grown up and now does BDSM phone sex.
  • Jiminy Cricket criticizes Pinocchio's creator.
  • An owl at a book store signs copies of its book "Who's Who".