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  • Lois Lane marries Superman.
  • The characters in the Wizard of Oz get run over, so they decide to follow the yellow brick sidewalk.
  • Dust mite horror movies have feather dusters in them.
  • Exiting the men's room, the scarecrow wishes he had some bran.
  • Amoebas complain that TV these days is nothing but senseless viruses and gratuitous dividing.
  • A carrot in a horror movie goes into a room with a peeler in it.
  • Dorothy gets tired of being single and grabs the scarecrow's butt.
  • Mickey Mouse always wears gloves so he won't leave fingerprints at crime scenes.
  • A chapstick factory relocates to be near Steven Tyler, Carly Simon, and Mick Jagger to increase profits.
  • A cat is mad at his date for bringing him to a foreign film captioned in meows.
  • A penguin tells a horror story about the suits penguins wore in the 70s.
  • A conductor's instructions are simply to wave his hands around until the music stops.