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Browse our Home & Garden Cartoons

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  • Sneaky cat gaslights owners lying that keys jumped off table, couch came ruined, shed fur not his & hasn’t been fed.
  • Chairs and tables in flamingos’ home built with missing legs for birds.
  • Bragging pea at bar gloats to veggies that he kept sleepless princess up all night.
  • Kitchen tools identify police sketch of spatula who kept them trapped in drawer.
  • Cat at feline singles bar thinks flirting kitty Lily is poison.
  • Confused narwhale in love mistakes snowman carrot nose for horn.
  • Short flower basketball player asks who challenged tall long-stem roses team.
  • Excited pet closely follows guy all day, wife asks if groundhog saw shadow & man says he did.
  • Embarrassed smartphone in bed with Iphone forgot screen protector sexual protection.
  • Greek myth Medusa’s snake hairs sleep comfortably on tiny pillows in bed.
  • Oyster leaving smelly bathroom tells grossed out party guests poops can’t all be pearls.
  • Stick man gives square table present built from arm & leg lines, says he put himself into it.