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Browse our Food & Drink Cartoons

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  • Fish upset because camera isn't working, missed another photo opportunity, there's fish in front of him with hook on both sides of stretched out mouth.
  • Egg watching TV, show announces that episode of "Julia Child Makes Yummy Omelette" contains graphic scenes, viewer discretion is advised.
  • Butterfly lands on flower to drink nectar, passes out from the scent of the flower, flower wonders if he should lay off the Mexican food.
  • Turtle coming out of a store wonders where he parked because the parking lot is full of turtle shells that all look the same.
  • Fish in traffic helicopter says there is major tie-up in Red Sea because guy is holding stick, sea is parted, implying that man is Moses.
  • Husband orange tells judge he wants divorce because he wanted kids and wife never told him she was seedless.
  • Swim instructor at Wicked Witch Swimming Lessons thinks lesson isn't going good because witches in pool are melting.
  • One fish tells another it was a real swift move to buy a dehumidifier because their fishbowl is almost empty.
  • Restaurant for birds in a tree called Homestyle Restaurant, sign boasts that food is just like mothers used to regurgitate.
  • Two felines dining out in restaurant, one cat is embarrassed because he laughed and food came out his nose, mouse is hanging out of nose.
  • Cup of yogurt stands in front of mirror, shocked to see he's actually a cup of yogurt and upset because his expiration date is tomorrow.
  • Woman tells friend she goes into isolation chamber in her home when she wants to make tuna sandwich because she has house full of cats.