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Browse our Food & Drink Cartoons

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  • Sci Fi movie droid R2-D2 & owl at bar fall in love swiveling heads 180 degrees.
  • Polite family says Thanksgiving grace quietly before grabbing food in informal mess.
  • Couple celebrates after family left Thanksgiving dinner without talking about politics.
  • Grocery shopper picks cute sweet potatoes or rude dirt bag jerk vegetable displays.
  • Bugs Bunny asks Warner Bros characters at empty table who put Wile E. in charge of getting bird.
  • Bird in bed with cooked Thanksgiving roast asks if sex was hot for her too.
  • Friends share Thanksgiving meal together while man eats with dog & cat pets.
  • Angry pet owner’s fat dog’s belly filled with empty Thanksgiving cornucopia fruits and veggies.
  • Fly apologizes for misheard shit sheet cake mistake & bug’s birthday disappointment.
  • Lying kitty fed pet food tricks doubtful owner’s lie detector interrogation.
  • Russian matryoshka dolls share bowl of soup with stacked measuring spoon set.
  • Cannabis dispensary closes to restock inventory after customers Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg purchase entire store.