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Browse our Food & Drink Cartoons

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  • Sneaky cat gaslights owners lying that keys jumped off table, couch came ruined, shed fur not his & hasn’t been fed.
  • Salmon swimming upstream thinks fishing grizzly bears are waving paws.
  • Godzilla eating human covered bagel offers bite to other monster.
  • Bragging pea at bar gloats to veggies that he kept sleepless princess up all night.
  • Canine game show contestant guesses where treats are hidden in people’s pockets.
  • Abraham Lincoln at bar scores date with four attractive ladies.
  • Hamsters playing pinata game surprised candies disappear in full cheek hamster’s mouth.
  • Cat at feline singles bar thinks flirting kitty Lily is poison.
  • Sexy huge head bug at bar tells females there’s plenty of him to go around.
  • Anteater on date flirts let’s pretend we have ants in our pants.
  • Wine bottles party guests gossip about older wine lady dating younger grapes bunch.
  • Confused narwhale in love mistakes snowman carrot nose for horn.