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Browse our Food & Drink Cartoons

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  • Tasty chocolate chip cookie jumps into healthy oatmeal raisin bin to live longer life.
  • Confused clown looks for missing ballon animal as inflated belly snake floats away.
  • Swiss cheese husband tells mad wife wind in holes whistled at sexy cheese lady.
  • Suspicious fish on laptop ebait shopping website thinks cheap worm on hook has a catch.
  • Oyster leaving smelly bathroom tells grossed out party guests poops can’t all be pearls.
  • Flattered frozen lake takes man’s thin ice danger sign as a compliment.
  • Godzilla full of Hershey’s brand chocolate eats destroyed Pennsylvania city.
  • In dream messy baby asleep in highchair is champion long distance food throw winner.
  • Crazy Foam brand spoof soap with rabid foaming gnomes for scary clean bathing.
  • Oriole songbird Oreo cookie spoof is bird flavored for cats.
  • Pet cat begs for dinner but ignores dish, only wanted to see if he would feed him.
  • Lady misheard guy resolved to eat better on New Years but sits eating butter instead.