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  • Pinocchio's brother's other facial features get bigger when they lie.
  • Fish in a tank realize they've all been abducted.
  • A woman checks the dictionary for spelling, but thinks she spelled words upside-down because she's holding the dictionary upside-down.
  • The cat dictionary doesn't have a word for 'obey,' while the dog dictionary lacks 'aloof.'
  • A naked emperor plummets into a moat of alligators.
  • A man steals a book about shoplifting.
  • A woman can't think of a reason not to go out with a man, but when he calls later she'll have had time to find one.
  • Snoopy's therapist gossips about him with another therapist.
  • A marshmallow tells a ghost story about a Boy Scout.
  • A lobster reads The Crucible.
  • Babies secretly read a book about how to manipulate parents.
  • Old Page a day calendar describes to New Year calendar how a it is used.