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Igloo contractors pop ice cubes out of trays to build igloos.
Dennis the Menace uses physics to calculate how to throw a snowball into Mr. Wilson's pants.
Jack Frost goes to jail because he forgot to take his medication and bit people's noses off instead of nipping them.
A dog drinking water from the base of a Christmas tree compares it to toilet water like a wine expert.
A kid thinks he has frostbite after a snowman bites him.
A man wants to be popular in his community, so he patronizes local businesses.
A sandwich hates picnics because they make him antsy.
A dog is annoyed that his mistress can dig and fertilize the garden, but he can't.
A man's flip-flops don't know what direction they want to go.
The water at the beach makes a man have to use the bathroom, but the sand makes his cat have to go too.
Chickens know when to turn over while tanning because they have pop-up thermometers.
A sofa is sick because it has spring fever.