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Furry hair caterpillar waxes body hairless in heatwave temps to stay cooler.
Shirtless guys on beach say no nipples & bellybutton man’s body hair waxing was thorough.
Kitten student shows cats class & teacher scratched chair destroyed on summer vacation.
Man attacked by pecking sea gulls regretted wearing potato chips pattern swim trunks to beach.
Bullied guy gets payback at beach sand kicking jerk with potato chips crumb pecking sea gulls.
Underwater artistic shark predator paints human victim’s ass in inflatable ring at surface.
Underwater sharks restaurant diner selects person swimming above as dinner order from shark waiter.
Dangerous predator sharks’ misspelled free dolphins swimming beach sign tricks foolish swimmers.
Lightweight beach ball super hero is defeated by air blowing slight windy gusts nemesis’ powers.
Relaxed ocean fish in bed sleeps listening to noisy city sounds white noise machine overnight.
Prehistoric cavemen laughed but wood zamboni builder only one prepared for Ice Age freeze.
Metal detector finds underground devil horns hand heavy metal rocker in sand dune beaches.