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Bob Dylan gets an electric lawn mower.
Frosty the Snowman wants to sue a restaurant for giving him hot coffee instead of iced.
Mother Nature complains that one of her elves made a snowflake identical to one from the past.
A man salts his driveway while Godzilla salts him.
A skiier impales a groundhog on his ski poles.
Beach vacation photos used to have crabs biting a man's foot, but now they have a needle stabbing his toe.
A snowman with a chewed-up nose picks a rabbit out of a police lineup.
A female deciduous tree says her pine tree husband doesn't understand what it's like when her leaves change in autumn.
Two lice think Dennis Rodman's hair dye changes are the seasons
A shark helps a man who lost his glasses in the ocean.
The big bad wolf blows his own house down because he sneezed.
A pig on a beach tells the bacon next to it that it should have worn sunscreen.